ISSN 0130-0083
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ISSN 0130-0083

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  • N.E. Markov during the World war II: unknown pages of biography
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.32-50
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  • Studying the history of personal library: a contribution to the problem statement
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 1. p.123-134
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  • The women’s labour movement in Great Britain in the interwar period
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 1. p.86-106
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  • Jacob Brown’s political biography (1889–1937)
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 1. p.41-69
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  • Political and philosophical ideas of Vincenzo Gioberti (1801–1852)
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 1. p.26-40
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  • Mikhail and Ivan Morozov as сollectors of Russian art
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.171-190
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  • Religious identity, (self-)identification and statistics
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.161-170
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  • Student years of academician P.G. Vinogradoff
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.50-67
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  • Forefeast and afterfeast in the calendar practice of pre-Mongol Rus’
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.3-18
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  • Mayak as a Reviewer of Scientific Literature on the History of Ancient Rome
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 4. p.121-141
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  • Economic Journalism of the Novoe Vremya of the 1880s
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 4. p.39-62
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  • Conservatives of the Kingdom of Poland in1914–1916
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 4. p.3-14
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  • The “Allegory of Music” by Filippino Lippi. Genealogy of Image
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 3. p.174-193
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  • On the University Career and Scholarly Heritage of V.A. Georgiev (1944–2022)
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 3. p.122-141
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  • Financing of the International Activities of the Komsomol in the 1960s–1970s
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 3. p.85-96
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  • On the History of Everyday Life: the Formation of Russian Tavern Cuisine
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 3. p.58-84
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  • Proto-rule of Joseph Volotsky
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 3. p.3-29
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  • Civil war memory, anti-racism, and the American nation: late 2010s — early 2020s
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 1. p.138-164
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  • Imperial letters to the Don (1735–1739): on the status of the Don Cossack Host
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 1. p.27-46
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  • Interpretations of I.N. Kramskoi’s “Christ in the desert”
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 6. p.168-192
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  • The 1990s’ British historiography of the communist international
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 6. p.147-167
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  • From democrats to republicans: Israel in U.S. foreign policy in 1952 and 1953
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 6. p.109-121
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  • Three Russian reformers (to the 250th anniversary of M.M. Speransky)
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 6. p.59-70
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  • Ancient Rus’ milostniks
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 6. p.3-19
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  • Critical race theory legislation and memory politics in the USA
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.141-158
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  • Department of Source Studies’ аnniversary
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 4. p.124-148
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  • Images of African migrants in contemporary Chinese social networks
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 4. p.107-123
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  • Reasons for the impeachment of the president of Brazil Dilma Rousseff in 2016
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 4. p.96-106
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  • Russian emigrants in Harbin after the October revolution 1917
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 4. p.82-95
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  • Farewell to arms? Weapons concealment in Bulgaria after World war I
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 4. p.65-81
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  • Notes to the biography of narodovolets Mikhail Grachevsky (1849–1887)
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 4. p.38-50
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  • Papal states 1815–1848 in Risorgimento context
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 4. p.3-23
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  • Count S.D. Sheremetev and emperor Nicholas II: narrative of audiences
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 3. p.41-52
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  • Conspiracy of Catiline in “Historia Pistoriensis” of Giannozzo Mannetti
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 3. p.3-18
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  • Nicholas II and suppression of the Moscow armed uprising 1905
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 2. p.70-92
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  • Rituals, dignity and respect in Central Asian society
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 1. p.145-165
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  • P.A. Valuev’s diary of 1847–1860: becoming a statesman
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 1. p.34-56
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  • “Peasant question” on the pages of the newspaper Kievlyanin (1864–1878)
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 1. p.22-33
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  • On the Study of Knives from the Gnezdovo Archaeological Complex
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 6. p.140-154
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  • Bovykin’s School of Economic History
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 6. p.126-139
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  • The Causes of the Second World War: Theoretical Problems
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 5. p.73-96
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  • Lord Beaverbrook and Moscow Supply Conference in Autumn 1941
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 5. p.55-72
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  • The “Light-Colour” Principle in the Work of Ivan Kliun
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 4. p.195-212
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  • “Kremlin Party” in the 1999 Parliamentary Elections
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 4. p.167-194
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  • Russian Strikebreakers and the May Thirtieth Movement in Shanghai
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 4. p.88-102
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  • Libertas as Interpreted by Ovid: Freedom or Willfulness?
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 4. p.3-18
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  • Arrows from Kaup
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 3. p.135-147
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  • Sources of Funding for Summer School Camps in the 1960s and 1970s
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 3. p.96-117
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  • Main trends in studies of ancient Rus’ian agricultural tools
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 2. p.157-173
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  • Perception of African migrants in Chinese blogs amid the coronavirus pandemic
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 2. p.140-156
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  • Harold Wilson’s visit to the USSR in 1975: achievements, challenges, views
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 2. p.123-139
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  • The administrative system of missile production in the USSR in 1953–1962
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 2. p.97-122
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  • Moscow ’s cinemas during the Great Patriotic War
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 2. p.56-79
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  • Morea column and Kagul obelisk in Tsarskoe Selo. On prototypes
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 1. p.143-159
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  • Issues of Caucasian numismatics in modern research
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 1. p.128-142
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  • «Haussmannization» of Paris and it’s social consequences
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 1. p.25-40
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  • Ivan Kulzhinsky’s cherished principles
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. N 1. p.3-24
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  • Roman renaissance painting workshops and humanistic education
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 6. p.181-191
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  • Vectors of the US policy in the Balkans in the 1990s
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 6. p.102-115
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  • Historian’s case: scientific biography of L.P. Minarik (1925–1993)
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 6. p.86-101
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  • Where did Catiline die: the first scientific hypothesis and discussion
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 6. p.3-22
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  • The history of studies of Scandinavian ringed pins (penannular brooches)
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 5. p.151-167
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  • Professor S.S. Dmitriev (1906–1991): his diary and family correspondence
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 5. p.100-118
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  • S.M. Soloviev’s model of historical study
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 5. p.3-23
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  • “The era of the Wanderers (Peredvizhniki)”: a twenty -first century look
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 4. p.161-186
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  • Formation of M.M. Khvostov’s scientific worldview
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 4. p.56-74
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  • Standard units in the Russian 15th — 16th-centuries full-length Deesis
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 3. p.181-200
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  • Concerning the anthropomorphism of ancient Russian churches
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 3. p.161-180
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  • Labour Youth Movement in Great Britain Between The World Wars
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 3. p.123-142
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  • Water Cult among the Tuvans
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 2. p.137-153
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  • Biconic Vessels of the Prussians
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 2. p.89-98
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  • Cuba 2019: Continuity and Changes
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 2. p.73-88
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  • Changes in Soviet cultural policy and theatrical censorship in 1946-1956
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 1. p.128-143
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  • French propaganda in the USA during the First World War
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 1. p.95-110
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  • The Balkan Area of Alexander Bashmakov’s Activities
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2020. N 1. p.46-67
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  • For the anniversary of Lidiya Vasil’yevna Koshman
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 6. p.193-196
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  • Fyodor Alekseyev and His Disciples: in the Workshop and Classroom
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 6. p.166-175
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  • Molokans of the Tambov Region in the 1990s–2010s (Based on Field Research)
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 6. p.120-140
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  • Institutionalization of The French V Republic Foreign Cultural Policy
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 6. p.76-95
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  • J.I. Fudel on the transition of “intelligentsia” to the Church
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 1. p.39-53
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  • Notes on Current Criticism of the Concept of Russia- Eurasia
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 5. p.70-88
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  • Weimar Republic and Rafael Erich’s “Northern Locarno”
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 5. p.54-69
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  • The Horse Image in Tagar Art
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 4. p.124-143
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  • Medieval Literary Tradition in the Life of Present-Day Iceland
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 4. p.98-123
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  • Children’s Years of the 19th-century Provincial Polish Gentry
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 4. p.36-54
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  • The Church of Intercession on the Nerl’ and the Cathedral in Modena
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 3. p.161-181
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  • The Sacred Tree of the Prussians
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 3. p.147-160
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  • On the Problem of Studying the “Oldest Layer” in Panticapaeum
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 2. p.151-164
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  • The Building of the “Five Star” Movement Party in Italy (2005–2013)
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 2. p.98-116
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  • Degaevshchina: Some Notes on the Scale of Provocation
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 2. p.64-74
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  • Soviet special camps in Germany in 1945–1948
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 1. p.105-122
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  • Blockade Rations: Features of Public Catering in Leningrad in 1942–1943
    Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 3. p.67-93
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