ISSN 0130-0083
En Ru
ISSN 0130-0083
The basilica of Saint-Denis in the twenty-first century Russia. Reflections on the monument and the method of its research


The article examines the latest trends in the historiography of medieval art in Russia using the example of E.A. Khripkova’s monograph on the basilica of the famous abbey of Saint-Denis in the north suburb of Paris. Published in 2013 the book differs from previous Russian-language works on early Gothic in France and beyond, namely the books by K.M. Muratova and E.P. Yuvalova, by much more scholarly independence and bright novelty of her concept. But unfortunately the author allows a very free interpretation of the iconography of Saint Denis portals, which are the main objects of her study. Thus, the title of the book — Abbot Suger’s Basilica of Saint-Denis — does not correspond to its content. This article indicates many arbitrary interpretations, inaccurate descriptions and bibliographic lacunae in this research. The interpretation of the main scene on the central portal, the Last Judgment in the tympanum, contains a number of iconographic conclusions which seem to be completely arbitrary, in particular the thoughts regarding the mandorla of the Saviour and communion of the apostles (in fact not existing). The same applies to the interpretation of the iconographic programme of the so-called Valois Portal. The search for textual sources to explain the narrative cycle of the portals of the western facade is not quite specific and consequently the search for the theological meaning of Suger’s design is very far from the real understanding of the Apocalypse and the Last Judgment in theology of his time, instead the author deals with general medieval Latin interpretations. The stylistic aspects of the monument, which are of the utmost importance for the further development of Early Gothic art in France, are completely ignored by Khripkova. As a result, this extensive work seems of little help. The article also examines the methodology of iconographic studies of the Middle Ages and draws conclusions as to the relation between text and image in the art of the mature Gothic Middle Ages


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Received: 10/25/2021

Accepted: 01/15/2022

Accepted date: 02/28/2022

Keywords: Basilica Saint-Denis, Suger, iconography, Last Judgment, mandorla, tympanum, portal, Gothic art

Available in the on-line version with: 28.02.2022

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Issue 1, 2022