ISSN 0130-0083
En Ru
ISSN 0130-0083
Peer review

The editorial staff of the journal “Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History” reviews all the received materials that are within the scope of the journal.

This journal uses double-blind review of the submitted manuscripts, which means that the author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Reviewers are distinguished experts in the relevant field of scientific knowledge; they review the materials and provide the editorial team with a written recommendation to accept or reject the manuscript. Reviewers comprehensively evaluate the materials submitted for publication according to the following criteria: fitness within the scope of the journal, relevance of the article, quality of the research and suitability of the methods, text clarity and coherence, validity of the conclusions, quality of the cited literature, summary in Russian and adherence to principles of academic ethics.

The editorial board considers the reviews when making a decision; the decision is conditioned by the scientific value of the presented article, the credibility of the content and fitness within the scope of the journal. The article can be accepted, accepted with revisions, rejected, recommended for another journal relevant to the scope of the article. If the manuscript is rejected, a reasoned rejection letter is sent to its author at his request. The editorial board reserves the right to reject an article that violates the copyright of third parties, contains plagiarism as well as calls for national, ethnic or religious hatred.

After making a decision to publish an article, the editorial staff signs an agreement with the author. There is no payment to the authors. There is no fee for the publication of manuscripts. In all cases of printing defects, please contact the printing house.

Materials received by the editorial staff also undergo an internal evaluation for compliance with the formatting guidelines for articles posted on the journal’s website at and on the last page of each issue of the journal. The material accepted for publication undergoes the necessary language editing and proofreading, then it is sent to the author to approve the corrections.

Within the time period established by the editorial staff, the author has to approve the edited version. If the specified deadlines are not met, the editorial board has the right to exclude the article from the issue.

After the publication of the article, the author is provided with an electronic copy free of charge.

The journal stores the correspondence with authors and reviews of submitted articles for 5 years. Upon receipt of a request from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the editorial staff provides the texts of the reviews.