The image of fortress in Russian architecture of the last third of the 18th century: the historiographical review and the problem of methodMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.179-192read article258
Archaeological and numismatic traces of events of the last third of the 14th century in the south of the principality of Karachev (Navlya river basin)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.152-178read article678
The historical and geographical landscape of migration to Russia from the near abroad in the late 20th and early 21st centuries: a view from withinMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.120-151read article277
Ethnological and linguistic aspects of the identity of Mari ethnic activists: self-awareness and language practicesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.97-119read article266
Cash and prize lotteries of the Komsomol as a source of its budget from 1957 through 1985Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.83-96read article251
Guardian of university traditions. On the 100th anniversary of the birth of professor A.V. MuravyevMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.63-82read article178
The Russian period of the academic career of historian A.V. Soloviev (1910s): the beginning of the path to scienceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.51-62read article205
N.E. Markov during the World war II: unknown pages of biographyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.32-50read article236
The 17th-century inscriptions by the “Bogolyubtsy” circle: new investigationsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.19-31read article188
Manetho on Egypt’s military history in the second millennium B.C.: “The case of Sesostris” (Manetho. frgg. 34–36)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2024. N 2. p.3-18read article224