ISSN 0130-0083
En Ru
ISSN 0130-0083
Modern historiography of soviet special camps in East Germany: main research fields, results and prospects


Special camps of the NKVD / Ministry of Internal Afairs of the USSR are one of the important research areas in the study of the Soviet occupation policy and functioning of Soviet occupation bodies in post-war Germany. Te purpose of the study is to review the main historical works on the history of special camps that have been published since the 1950s. Two periods of this historiography are examined: “pre-archival” (from the 1950s to the mid-1990s) and contemporary (from the mid-1990s up to the present). Te author mainly deals with the German historiography of special camps and evaluates the availability and representativeness of sources and substantive research conclusions important for understanding the principal elements of the Soviet occupation policy in East Germany in the frst post-war years. While in the “pre-archival” studies, which were based on a limited range of sources, the emphasis was placed on identifying individual, albeit important, aspects of the history of special camps (their location, the number of prisoners who passed through them, the criteria for arrest and placement of the civilian population in a special camp in the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany), current works concern a much wider range of issues. Tey deal with not only organizational issues, but also the place of camps in the system of Soviet special services on the territory of East Germany, their role in carrying out repressions against both the German civilian population and Soviet citizens who ended up in the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany afer the end of the war. In current historiography, special camps are defned as special places for confnement, combining the functions of temporary detention of various categories of people for their interning, fltrating and gathering together for further dispatching, for example, to the gulag camps. Te most important conclusion of current studies of the history of special camps is that they became an expressive manifestation of the “export” of Soviet repressive practices and pointed to the real and long-term plans of the Soviet administration to Sovietize East Germany.


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Received: 01/27/2021

Accepted date: 04/30/2021

Keywords: special camps of the NKVD/MVD in Germany; Stalin repressions; internment; Soviet zone of occupation of Germany (SZO); Soviet military administration in Germany (SVAG); occupation policy of the USSR in Germany

Available in the on-line version with: 30.04.2021

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Issue 2, 2021