Zemstvo, administration and the Smolensk famine of the late 1860th and early 1870thMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.23-45read article589
“Proclamations sent us from heaven, addressed not only to us Christians”: the role of Jews in the ecumenical project of the millennium kingdom of the Puritan theologian cotton mather (first quarter of the 18th century)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.3-22read article477
“Cherubim three-faced are”: traces of izbornik of Svyatoslav (1073) glagolitic original in the old Russian iconogfaphy of Evangelists symbolsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.207-226read article570
The “welcoming descent of Buddha Amida” in the 11th–13th centures Japanese sculpture: sources, formation and typology of the iconographyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.180-206read article668
Kazakhstan’s “Nurly Zhol” project and China’s “Belt and road” initiative: points of convergence and prospectsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.159-179read article739
Critical race theory legislation and memory politics in the USAMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.141-158read article536
“His majesty, the textbook”: from the history of the department of Southern and Western Slavs in the faculty of history at the Moscow State UniversityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.117-140read article578
From Slavistics to Russian studies: on some circumstances of the discipline’s constitution in the 1940sMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.93-116read article461
Sanitary losses of the red army during the Great Patriotic war: the experience of statistical analysis of the national composition of military personnelMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.67-92read article699
Organization of water supply on the Trans-Siberian railway In the late 19th — early 20th centuriesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2022. N 5. p.46-66read article561