The manuscripts should be accompanied by a recommendation for publication from the minutes of the relevant Faculty of History Department’s meeting at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Authors who do not work or study at the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University, should receive a positive review and a recommendation for publication from the relevant Department of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University. For this purpose, the article can be sent by e-mail to the editorial staff. The article should be submitted in Russian or English.
Formatting guidelines:
text editor: Microsoft Word;
font: Times New Roman (Times New Roman Cyrillic) of 12-point font size;
1,5 line spacing both in the text and in footnotes;
footnotes: sequential numbering, 10-point font size, each footnote starts with a new paragraph, authors’ surnames and initials should be in italics;
quotes: «…», quotations within quotations: «“…”»;
the text is submitted to the editorial staff in two formats: hard copy and an electronic version on a USB flash drive without computer viruses;
length of the article should be no more than 32,000 characters with spaces for PhD students and no more than 60,000 characters with spaces for faculty and Research Fellows;
diagrams, drawings, photographs and other visual materials should be presented on separate pieces of paper and in separate files on the USB, illustrations should be black and white, clear, easily reproducible.
The article should have:
an abstract of 250–300 words; the abstract is written as an independent text, which is the summary of the article; unnecessary introductory phrases should be avoided (for example, “the author of the article considers…”, “the article focuses on…”); the abstract should not be a compilation of article phrases or coincide with the text of the article; the title of the article should not be repeated in the abstract; the abstract should have: research subjects and purpose of the article, findings or conclusions of the article, contribution to the existing body of knowledge; the abstract should not include information that is too general and does not reflect the content of the article; the abstract should be in Russian, but the author can include an English translation of some terms commonly used in the respective research area;
six to eight keywords or phrases should be provided with no more than three words in a phrase; it is not allowed to use as keywords phrases from the title of the article; keywords should be specific, they should be connected to the topic and content of the article (the words “history”, “review”, “source study”, “historiography” and similar words and phrases cannot be keywords); keywords should be in Russian, but the author can include an English translation of some terms commonly used in the respective research area;
information about the author: full last name, first name and patronymic (in Russian and English, first name and last name in English transliteration should be provided in accordance with the international passport or the author’s published works in English), academic degree, academic title; affiliation: full name of scientific or educational institution and its department; the author’s phone number and e-mail address; this information should be in Russian, but authors can offer their recommendations for its translation into English in accordance with the approved translations of the names of institutions and their departments;
title of the article in English (the author can suggest his version of the translation of the title);
bibliography, that is a list of all studies cited and mentioned in the article.
Bibliography formatting guidelines
The bibliographic list is compiled in the original language in alphabetical order: first, books and articles in Cyrillic are listed, then in Latin; for books and collections, the publishing house should be indicated (for old books, instead of the publishing house, the publisher or printing house could be indicated), for books – the total number of pages; for articles in journals and collections, the pages should be indicated.
Живов В.М. Разыскания в области истории и предыстории русской культуры. М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2002. 758 с.
Domhoff G.W. The Higher Circles: The Governing Class in America. New York: Random House, 1970. 367 p.
Collections of articles
Халиков А.Х. Мордовские и болгаро-татарские взаимоотношения по данным археологии // Этногенез мордовского народа / Под ред. Б.А. Рыбакова. Саранск: Мордовское книжное издательство, 1965. С. 152–168.
Levi G. On Microhistory // New Perspectives on Historical Writing / Ed. by P. Burke. Philadelphia: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992. P. 93–111.
Journal or magazine article
Фирсов Б.М. «Крестьянская» программа В.Н. Тенишева и некоторые результаты ее реализации // Советская этнография. 1988. № 4. С. 38–49.
Hudgins N. A Historical Approach to Family Photography: Class and Individuality in Manchester and Lille, 1850–1914 // Journal of Social History. 2010. Vol. 43. № 3. P. 559–586.
Internet sources
Гашков И. Двести лет Марксу. Какие его прогнозы сбылись, а какие – нет // [Электронный ресурс]: (дата обращения: 05.05.2018).