Stages of the formation of the digital economy: the economic essence of information (the Moscow city case)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2021. 1. p.108-127read more776
The rapid development of information resources (IR) and information systems (IS) at the expense of the city budget and their use in the city economy inevitably set the task of formalizing IS and IR as objects of property of economic entities, to determine their legal status by regulatory legal documents and make accounting, registration and assessment of their market value. The latter makes it possible to insure IS and IR against cyber risks. The legal framework for the approval of the legal status of IR and IS in Moscow was established by the laws of the city of Moscow, orders of the mayor, decrees and orders of the government of Moscow, which were adopted in the period 2001-2008 during the development of the Comprehensive Program for Moscow's Movement to the Information Society and implementation of the program “Electronic Moscow”. The procedure for assessing the market value of IS and IR was determined by the government decree of 6 December 2005. In 2007, a large amount of work for Moscow was done by the company VALNET, which developed a methodology for assessing the market value of IS and IR. However, in the crisis period of 2008-2009 and later, the volume of IS and IR accounting, registration and valuation work decreased, and scientifc research has been suspended. In 2018-2019, Russian economists A.G. Paptsov, Yu.A. Tsypkin, S.V. Orlov, R.A. Kamaev singled out IS and IR as an independent factor of production and proposed their own methodology for assessing the market value of personal data. They are getting to be a “new capital” marketers, political strategists and fraudsters fght for. The review of the stages of assessing the information cost and materialization in civil circulation allows us to identify the following important trends: the personal electronic digital profle (EDP) is getting to be the principal document; the fght for this new capital, the personal EDP, is unfolding in the world; the cost of digital information and the right to access it will increase; consciousness is getting to determine being under the infuence of the socio-economic sense of the EDPKeywords: information resources; information systems; electronic digital profile; digital information; personal data; “new capital”
Historical aspects of informatization of the control and Accounting Chamber of MoscowMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. 1. p.165-177read more618
The use of information resources is a promising area of activity of state control and accounting bodies. Nowadays an effective budget control and analysis of socio-economic development of the region are impossible without special tools to reduce the time spent on data processing. The article deals with historical aspects of informatization of the Control and Accounting Chamber of Moscow and examines the formation of its information and analytical system as an example of automation of the activity of the external fi nancial control institution. The author analyzes the Chamber’s annual reports in 1997–2014. He employs its local acts and other documents refl ecting the process of automation of control practice. The study of these documents, as well as federal and Moscow legislation, normative legal acts of the Government and mayor of Moscow, and the Moscow City Duma made it possible to identify the features of the Chamber’s informatization processes from 1994 to 2014, including the main stages in the creation of the Chamber’s information and communication technology infrastructure, composition and main functions of the Chamber’s information and analytical system as a model for interaction with Moscow public authorities and governmental agencies. Previously the issues of the history of the Chamber’s informatization had not been specifi cally examined, while a comprehensive picture of the development of new management technologies, which have been introduced in the practice of the executive and legislative authorities of Moscow since the end of the twentieth century, cannot be provided without a special focus on these topics. Consideration of this aspect of development of control and counting functions in the capital of Russia in the post-Soviet period will supplement the currently available knowledge about the history of such activity in the past and also will help to identify traditions and innovations in the domestic management practices and thus trace techniques, which are reintroduced in an optimized form at each new stage of development of country and society
Keywords: Control and Accounting Chamber of Moscow; Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation; Moscow City Duma; history of state control in Russia; informatization; information and communication technologies