The “Perfect Merchant’s” Professional Knowledge and Skills and Their Implementation in the Business of the Veliky Ustyug Merchant Family of the Buldakovs in the Late 18th — Early 19th CenturiesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 3. p.69-81read article735
Monuments and Shrines of Ancient Kiev in the Perception of the 18th-century TravelersMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 3. p.51-68read article681
The Effect of Slowing Modernization: “Path” and Stability in the Ottoman EmpireMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 3. p.31-50read article665
Archaic Rome in the Studies by I.L. Mayak: Theoretical Issues and Conceptual ApparatusMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 3. p.3-30read article667
Review: Court Culture of the Renaissance. Actual Problems of Modern Russian-Speaking Historiography (Ed. L.M. Bragina, V.M. Volodarskiy. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2014)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 2. p.185-198read article684
Color in the Bauhaus in the Context of the Coloristic Culture of Germany in the Early 20th CenturyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 2. p.165-184read article709
On the Problem of Studying the “Oldest Layer” in PanticapaeumMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 2. p.151-164read article713
Stone Splitting Technology in the Early Upper Palaeolithic North-Weste Caucasus (based on the materials of Mezmaiskaya Cave)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 2. p.131-150read article673
The Shamrocks for D. Trump: Irish Prime Minister E. Kenny’s Visit to Washington on Saint Patrick’s Day of 2017 in the Context of Illegal Immigration to the United StatesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 2. p.117-130read article658
The Building of the “Five Star” Movement Party in Italy (2005–2013)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2019. N 2. p.98-116read article792