Mikhail and Ivan Morozov as сollectors of Russian artMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.171-190read article311
Religious identity, (self-)identification and statisticsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.161-170read article287
From the “right German” to the “Kaliningrad philosopher”: Immanuel Kant in commemorative practices and memory policy in the Kaliningrad region (Soviet period)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.138-160read article260
Bikini Atoll, Nevada, Moscow. Washington’s long road to the partial test ban treaty (1958–1963)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.117-137read article277
Mutual perception of the great powers in the context of the genesis of the World War II (the case of Soviet-French relations)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.91-116read article325
“Urban rehabilitation in Russia brooks no delay”: state and society in the fight against rivers pollution at the end of the 19th — early 20th centuriesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.68-90read article208
Student years of academician P.G. VinogradoffMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.50-67read article225
“…We were determined by the uyezd to be in the town of Gorokhovets, where we did not want to be at all”: the district center in the life of the peasant community (the case of the village of Palekh at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.34-49read article263
Manumission of house serfs: legislative norms and everyday practices in the 18th century Russia urban environmentMoscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.19-33read article347
Forefeast and afterfeast in the calendar practice of pre-Mongol Rus’Moscow University Bulletin. Series 8: History 2023. N 6. p.3-18read article321